We were fortunate enough
(Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Reynolds, Todd, and Brooke) to be in the St. Louis temple when Todd and Brooke were sealed to their sweet baby Savannah. The weekend was a crazy one, but the temple was so peaceful and spiritual. Of course I cried because I was so happy they finally got their baby and she was theirs for eternity.
Friday we left our house for the airport around 4:45 am. and arrived in Kansas City sometime that afternoon. It was all a little fuzzy to me after working late the night before and spending many hours on two different planes. Brooke and Savannah met us at the airport and Ellie was ecstatic to see her new cousin. She had been talking about flying on an airplane to see "Sa-banna" for about a month before we left. Every ride in the car went like this: ELLIE: "Where going? MOM/DAD: "To the store, school, etc." ELLIE: "No, see Sabanna, airplane." She told everyone where she was going and you can tell in the pictures how proud she was to have a new baby cousin. For lunch, I had my first taste of Culvers and Friday night we had some delicious BBQ at Oklahoma Joe's.
Saturday was a lot of driving. Let's just say I was more and more grateful to have so many temples near us in the Salt Lake Valley with each mile we drove. The temple was very special. I have never been to a sealing for the living that wasn't a marriage. It was really neat to know that now Todd and Brooke are sealed to Savannah and the promises are just the same as if she were born to them under the covenant. We ate at the Old Spaghetti Factory for lunch and then drove back to Kansas City.
Sunday, Savannah was blessed in their ward and we got to meet their ward friends that are practically their family. Their ward was so nice. We also got to meet Savannah's birth mother. She is a very beautiful woman and I got to sit next to her in Relief Society and watch her hold and love Savannah. We visited some more with Todd and Brooke at their house and they made us yummy pulled pork and salads.
Monday, we did a little sight-seeing at church history sites before we had to get on the plane again. Ellie was a nightmare on our returning flight! The flight attendant even came and took her to stop her from crying. She was so tired, but she wouldn't give up. She finally crashed as we were beginning our final descent in to Salt Lake. We were only gone for a few days, but Ellie was so glad to be home and played with her toys non-stop for a few days. We were glad we got to be there and are very happy for Todd and Brooke! Thanks for sharing these days with us.