Wednesday, October 29, 2008

5 Months Old

Ellie is still growing like a weed.  We can't seem to find a good weed spray to slow her down.  Actually, she's getting more fun the older she gets.  Sometimes I miss having a little bundle to cuddle with, but it's so fun to watch her do new things.  
This month we've had a lot of fun with cereal.  She has had rice cereal for the last few weeks and yesterday she tried oatmeal.  I think she liked the oatmeal better, but she could've just been ravenous that day.  
Ellie can get around by rolling now.  She looks for something across the room and twists and rolls until she gets it.  She especially loves to go after newspapers.
She is learning that she has body parts.  This month she found her knees, toes, and last week she found her ear.
Since Ellie can almost sit unassisted, we decided to try out her door-frame jumper.  She doesn't really jump in it yet.  She mostly attacks the toys and throws them.  She also spins around on her toes.  
She's been paying a lot of attention to the dog and reaches out to grab him.  She pets him and has even pulled on his ears. 
If you put your hands out for Ellie to come to you, she will lean toward you and reach out her hands.  I was really excited when she started doing this because it makes me feel like she might actually want to be held by me.      
Here is evidence of how adorable she really is:


  1. She is so adorable! It is fun when they get older and learn new things, but it's a little sad, too.

  2. She is so cute and I love the chick outfit. She is so adorable. Isn't it great how they get more and more fun as they get older. Soon enough she will be cracking you up with the funny things she says. But at the same time you still miss those first months when they totally depended on you.
