This morning I had yet another check-up with my midwife. I also had my follow-up ultrasound to look at the upper lip and four chambers of the heart. The ultrasound was pretty fun! We got to see the baby's lips, femur, heart, feet, spine, and lots of other parts. We are still waiting for it to arrive before we know whether it's a boy or girl. The technician said that it had fuzz on it's head and that it weighs about 3 pounds 15 ounces already. She said that the baby is measuring two weeks ahead of our original due date. She also said that ultrasounds this far along aren't necessarily very accurate. My midwife says she expects it to be an eight pound baby. I'm getting even more excited as it gets closer to May. We got our crib and dresser in last week so it won't be long before we'll have the office transformed into a nursery. Everyone is healthy and happy. Oh, here's the first tummy shot I've taken. Yeah, I know I look a little chubby.
YAY tummy shots!! I have been waiting for SO long! You look great! I loved the pics of the baby too... we haven't had an ultrasound since week 17. I won't complain too much though because we will hopefully get to see him soon!