This is actually one from last year because what is a post without a picture. ?
I am so blessed to be married to such a great "old" man. I tease him only because he's only ever older than me for two weeks of the year. I'm copying others when I share in this post the many reasons I love Weston. I sort of have a cheat book because as cheesy as it sounds, I listed the many reasons I love him when we were engaged and still have the little notebook. Since then, we have grown so very much and many have been added to that list. Here are only 28 of the reasons I love my Weston:
1. We have fun doing almost anything together.
2. He is a very smart man. I can't understand a lot of his "computer stuff" jargon, but he dumbs
it down for me in the most polite way.
3. He thinks and says the same things as me. Many times he finishes my sentences by mouthing
the words I'm going to say while I say them. It drives me nuts, but I love it.
4. He sings well, just don't tell anyone. He doesn't like to sing in front of anyone.
5. He makes me want to be a better person.
6. He thinks I'm beautiful no matter what I look like. i.e. 7 months pregnant even.
7. He is a wonderful father and Ellie loves him very much.
8. He is worthy to go to the temple.
9. He has learned a lot of things about cooking and can cook better meals than me. Food
Network is one of his favorite channels.
10. He respects his parents, my parents, and all other elder family members.
11. I can be myself around him.
12. He supports me and is proud of me.
13. I've known him since day 1 of high school.
14. I can tell him anything.
15. He takes care of me and our little family.
16. We hardly ever fight and when there is a problem, we work things out really well together.
17. He likes to learn new skills and is always anxious to start a new project.
18. We both love roller coasters a lot.
19. He is a hard worker and an excellent problem solver. He doesn't let get in his way of fixing problems.
20. His whiskers.
21. I'm the only girl he has ever dated. It made me giggle to watch him learn the importance of holding hands and opening doors for me.
22. He is very good at picking out gifts for people. I always feel like he gets the shaft at Christmas and birthdays. I'm just not as observant and thoughtful as he is I guess.
23. He is a good dancer. Some day we'll take some classes together.
24. He is a return missionary and knows the scriptures.
25. He is like an M&M most times. He wouldn't let anybody know it on the outside (hard shell), but he's got a soft inside.
26. His snoring. I never thought I would actually enjoy it, but I've tried to sleep without his sleep noises and it's actually quite difficult.
27. He makes me feel secure.
28. He is my very best friend.
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