She's Here!!!!!Ellie Madelyn was born at 3:38 pm on May 29, 2008. She weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. and was 19 inches long. Missy and Ellie are doing great, and will be going home Saturday. We will post some more pictures/comments later.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A little bit closer
I went to see my midwife again today. She said I was almost three centimeters. She ended up stripping my membranes which hurt a little bit. She told me to go walking for a half hour right after my appointment and drink lots of water. I went on a walk with my mom around her neighborhood and had a few "real" contractions. They were about ten minutes apart for about forty minutes and then nothing. I've had a few more since then, but we'll see I guess. She scheduled another appointment and nonstress test for Monday if I make it until then. I'm also scheduled for an induction for Thursday next week if the baby still decides not to come out. So I'm a little closer, but not much.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
It should be illegal!
Still no baby! I know my due date isn't until Friday, but I'm growing impatient. When I was first checked, I mentioned that people can be dilated at one cm for many weeks and it could mean nothing. I sincerely felt that the baby could still be "late" and I wouldn't mind. When I was checked again, she said I was at two and 70% effaced. Then it was two and 80% effaced. By this time I was thinking "Maybe it will come early since my body seems to be getting ready so soon." I have another appointment tomorrow and will be checked yet again. I think it should be illegal for the doctor/midwife to tell you how "ripe" you are. Yes, they should check that sort of thing, but just record it in the chart. It has been over a month since my body started preparing for this little baby to come out and still nothing. I guess I just got my hopes up. We'll let you know when the baby is really here.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I don't recommend BK's Indy Burger
You probably thought that the next post would be for the baby. WRONG! No baby yet.
Those who really know me, know that I love hamburgers. When I was growing up I could easily down three for dinner. Lately it seems that Burger King has had some good "Specials." From the Simpson's Whopper, to the Steakhouse Whopper, and one of my favorites the BBQ Bacon Tendercrips Sandwich (it's a chicken sandwich I know). On Friday I didn't feel like packing a lunch and we decided to grab something from BK, because I had a meeting in 45 minutes. I saw the ads for the Indy Burger (Indiana Jones) with it's Pepper Jack Cheese and bacon as we pulled up the drive up window and I decided that I would try it. BIG MISTAKE! My stomache hurt all day! I didn't really pay much attention to it though. I went home to work on my sprinklers. Missy and I went for parts and to pick something up for dinner. I still had that dull pain in my stomache lurking in the background. It took away my appetite and I ended up laying on the couch after I finished fixing the sprinklers. I drank some Pepto and went to bed knowing that I might be waking up in the middle of the night. Sure enough. At 3:30 AM I woke up and almost didn't get to the toliet fast enough. I wasn't very impressed the first time that I tasted the Indy Burger and was less impressed the second time. I guess I threw up pretty hard, my stomache is still sore and I haven't been the same since. I barely ate half of my lunch on Monday and struggled to eat all of my Dinner. Needless to say. I won't be eating at BK any time soon.
The Curprit
Those who really know me, know that I love hamburgers. When I was growing up I could easily down three for dinner. Lately it seems that Burger King has had some good "Specials." From the Simpson's Whopper, to the Steakhouse Whopper, and one of my favorites the BBQ Bacon Tendercrips Sandwich (it's a chicken sandwich I know). On Friday I didn't feel like packing a lunch and we decided to grab something from BK, because I had a meeting in 45 minutes. I saw the ads for the Indy Burger (Indiana Jones) with it's Pepper Jack Cheese and bacon as we pulled up the drive up window and I decided that I would try it. BIG MISTAKE! My stomache hurt all day! I didn't really pay much attention to it though. I went home to work on my sprinklers. Missy and I went for parts and to pick something up for dinner. I still had that dull pain in my stomache lurking in the background. It took away my appetite and I ended up laying on the couch after I finished fixing the sprinklers. I drank some Pepto and went to bed knowing that I might be waking up in the middle of the night. Sure enough. At 3:30 AM I woke up and almost didn't get to the toliet fast enough. I wasn't very impressed the first time that I tasted the Indy Burger and was less impressed the second time. I guess I threw up pretty hard, my stomache is still sore and I haven't been the same since. I barely ate half of my lunch on Monday and struggled to eat all of my Dinner. Needless to say. I won't be eating at BK any time soon.

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