Some of the really fun things Ellie has been up to this last month:
playing with her toes
rolling from her stomach to her back (occasionally)
still rolling from her back to her stomach-she's getting so fast.
being extremely ticklish everywhere
catching and throwing her ball- it's more like slow grabbing and dropping
lifting her head in an attempt to get out of her car seat
sitting in her Bumbo seat
army crawling
grabbing our faces- she really likes my nose and of course hair- ouch!
blowing out diapers left and right
falling asleep on her own in her crib
watching the dog roam around
grabbing things and putting everything in her mouth
splashing in the bathtub
She went in for her four month appointment today and got more shots. On the way to the office, she had a major blow out and got it all over her car seat. The nurse said it makes it okay because she's so cute. Ellie now weighs 14 pounds and 1 ounce and she's 24 and 3/4 inches long. She is growing so quickly and she is so much fun! The doctor said she should start eating rice cereal, so we'll be starting that once we get to the grocery store. Right now I'm off track so today was my first official day of not having to bring Ellie to the babysitter. It's going to be a fun three weeks!