We took this picture on Sunday, but I thought I would give everyone a few more days to enjoy our other posts before we posted again. Besides, if I post too often, people will expect posts much more frequently than I can handle.
Ellie (and I) survived her first day of nursery without mommy or daddy! Her first official week alone was supposed to be on November 29th (her exact 18 month birthday), but the Elders Quorum took over the nursery so the women could go to a special lesson. I wasn't so sure about having Ellie's first week in nursery be so different so she came with me to Relief Society. She was sick the entire month of December and so we went to Sacrament Meeting and then home.
So even though she should've been in over a month ago, it was her first week in nursery. I only had to stay there for about five minutes. She was having fun and playing nice. I don't think she even cried. I checked on her twice through the window. The first time, she was patting the seat beside her and talking to all the kids trying to get someone to sit by her. The second time a little girl was crying and screaming on the floor and Ellie went to comfort her. She said "uh-oh" and then bent over and pretended to kiss her. We are so proud of her!